Healthy Eating Plans Biography
Source:-, everyone! Happy Sunday! I hope you have had a chance to relax and enjoy this beautiful weekend!
As many of you are aware, for the past eight weeks MVP Generation Go has asked me and other ambassadors to talk and share ideas about various topics in which we promote a healthy lifestyle. To check out the responses from the other ambassadors at MVP Generation Go, visit the following web addresses:
This week we invite everyone to describe how they plan their weekly meals! We want to generate discussions and to share some new, exciting ideas!
One of my favorite ways to plan is talk with my family about what they would like to eat the following week. We usually take a trip to the grocery store once a week. Now that summer is over and school is back in session, I would like to get more specific as far as what we eat for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. I like to ensure that the meals I provide for my family are as healthy as possible, but simultaneously, I want to make sure that everything is fun and tastes delicious!
There are many benefits to planning meals together as a family. Frequent family meals are linked with being successful in school, including earning better grades and scoring higher on achievement tests. Family meals contribute to higher daily intakes of fruit, vegetables, and important nutrients like calcium, fiber, iron, vitamins B6 and B12, C and E, and less overall dietary fat. Not to mention, mealtime conversation brings the family together, promotes positive self-esteem in children, and starts a lasting and positive relationship with food.
Now that school is back in session and everyone is busy, making mealtime an opportunity for family time is a great way for families to keep each other updated. Family meals should be dynamic: an exchange of ideas, conversation, and feelings. Remember to keep mealtime pleasant and to avoid power struggles over what gets eaten–mealtime is not a time for discipline. Use conversation-starters and take turns talking to ensure that everyone has a chance to share about their day. Mealtime is a great way to encourage everyone in the family to do a good job at work and school!
When you promote healthy eating, you promote the development of healthy behaviors in children. Here are a few healthy eating habits we can all role model to our families:
Never skip meals–especially breakfast.
Take moderate portions.
Limit junk food in the house.
Drink water and milk instead of soda.
Involve your children in meal preparation.
Eat foods from all food groups: milk, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, fish, & beans.
Try fruit and yogurt for dessert.
What are your favorite ways to plan your meals?
Here’s what you have to do: For YOUR chance to win a $50 VISA Gift Card, share how you plan your meals!
Add your favorite ways to plan meals in response to this (Kids Fun Plaza) post.
Like the MVP Generation Go fan page and add your meal planning tips (with a link to your blog entry).
Tweet your tips (with a link to your blog entry) with #GenerationGo and #MealPlanning.
The best of luck to each one of you! Enjoy this exciting week with MVP Generation Go. I am so excited to learn how you plan your weekly meals! Keep an eye on the MVP Generation Go Facebook fan page every day to read the MVP Generation Go ambassadors’ posts, along with their meal planning tips. We’ll be using the #GenerationGo and #MealPlanning hashtags on Twitter. Needless to say, don’t forget to share some love by liking the new page and following @MVPGenerationGo. I promise the best tips to keep your family healthy in a fun and safe way! Have a wonderful week, everyone!
Disclosure: MVP Health Care has provided us with compensation for this post. My participation is voluntary and my opinion is always my own.
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