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How to Become a Very Healthy Person
Edited by Laptop123, WikiBunny, Lillian May, Devil President and 52 others
Want to become a healthier person? It's all about making gradual changes. Following the tips in this article offer several benefits for you: lower risk of several cancers and diseases, a possibly leaner frame, and the chance to live a long and happy life.
1Get lots of sleep. In order to maintain a healthy body, you will need 8 hour of sleep every day. This keeps you awake and alert, so you don't have to drink caffeine and sugar-loaded energy drinks. If you are a kid and have early school times, go to sleep earlier on school nights.
2Laugh and smile! Smiling a lot makes your face look younger and it feels great. If you laugh a lot, it has been scientifically proven to keep you healthier.
3Do nothing. Staying in a dark, quiet place without having any stressful thoughts for about ten minutes will leave you feeling refreshed. If you just relax, you will feel better and probably keep feeling good through the day. Just do this a couple of times a day.
4Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. Try to get at least 5-9 servings a day.
5Drink water! Good old H2O is key in making you run throughout the day. Try drinking 8 eight-ounce glasses of water each day. It helps you re-energize and keep going. Not drinking enough fresh water leads to acne, headaches, and even dehydration. Do this, and you'll stay in good condition.
6Stretch! It feels great! From when you wake up in the morning, to your gym class, this easy form of muscle exercise warms you up and makes you more flexible. If you continuously stretch each day, you will end up being really flexible and nimble. It keeps you running longer and gives you strength.
7Run and jog! This doesn't necessarily mean run five miles every morning, but jogging or running for about 10 minutes at an easy pace definitely will keep you in shape. Try jogging for about 10 minutes 7 times a week. It will keep your muscles strong and fit every day. Don't ever run for an hour and then suddenly stop and sit on the couch for another hour. This will give you terrible cramps and will make it so it hurts to walk the next day. Slowly kick down the pace to a walk, and take deep breaths. Running will get you that A in gym class, trust me!
8Challenge yourself. If you got 10 push-ups as your maximum, try going for 12! Little challenges like this keep your body nice and fit.
9Do something you love. Play with a pet, go swimming, or jump on a trampoline! Doing things you love to do keep you in a good mood, and make you happier. If you had a bad day at school, ride a bike and take out your anger. Not only is this fun, but it lets you be yourself for awhile. Try it!
10Feel good about yourself! There is always going to be someone in the room who does at least one thing better than you, so don't compare yourself to other people! Find things you are good at, and use your talents!
11Accomplish something. This will make you feel victorious! Performing a song or using your talents to amaze someone else makes you feel great!
12Get a little exercise everyday. This will not only make you feel better, and make you look better, but help you to get through the day.
13Be cool - Don't take things too seriously! Be laid-back and open minded, explore new things, e.g. new cultures.
Keep in mind that changing your lifestyle takes a lot of patience. You might want to give up, but don't.
Article Info
Categories: Health
Recent edits by: Ecorneail, Garshepp, Iamamiwhoami
In other languages:
Deutsch: Wie man ein gesundes Leben führt, Français: Comment prendre soin de sa santé, Italiano: Come Diventare una Persona più Sana, Português: Como Se Tornar uma Pessoa Muito Saudável, Español: Cómo ser una persona muy saludable
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